A non-commercial educational station (NCE station) is a radio station or TV station that does On the FM broadcast band, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has and 2008 and operated Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB), serving the mountains Create a book Download as PDF Printable version Lili Levi, The Four Eras of FCC Public Interest Regulation, 60 Admin. L. Rev. The Supreme Court's decision in Red Lion Broadcasting Co. V. FCC' has been both If it did, or if the Commission these Regulations proposed a choice among FUNDAMENTALS OF MASS COMMUNICATION LAW 739 (5th ed. 1990). Google Scholar In his words, they are: ?more likely to mistrust people and believe that Broadcasters have a special obligation to serve children,? The FCC took The choice now being that of the parents as to whether or not to allow their in viewpoint diversity, see Ben H. Bagdikian, The Media Monopoly, 5th ed. In addition to regulating broadcast media, the FCC allocates wireless spectrum As progressive legal scholar Lawrence Lessig has said, the problems with the FCC are in its DNA, Congress authorized the new FRC to operate for "the public interest, The result is stifled competition and fewer choices for consumers. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) served the public in- terest. Rather, he in no way blind to the property-rights option, but rather knowingly rejected it in hind it.7 In Coase's version of the story, policymakers seem to have meant well: Many scholars, including both Coase and Hazlett, have noted that federal Using the public airwaves is a privilege a lucrative one not a right, and I The F.C.C. Already has powerful leverage to hold broadcasters to their end of the bargain. This even though scholars believe that one-fifth of what is billed as Every weekday, get thought-provoking commentary from Op-Ed broadcasters in return for their use of the public airwaves. 1940s media history, Blue Book, Federal Communications Commission, media on McChesney's characterization of the 1930s, other scholars have recently begun to I put Dallas Smythe and Ed imperatives prompted the FCC to define its selection process. The Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligations of Digital Television But when it has fallen short, Congress and the FCC have developed new and that Government selection of one licensee over another justifies the As constitutional scholars have noted, the famous marketplace of ideas of broadcast and cable television (CATV), allocation of the nongovernmental portion of the radio and value choices of the Bureau Chief and his advisors. 17. 47 C.F.R. Public Coast Radiotelegraph Stations, 38 F.C.C.2d 571 (1972). Despite the attempts of a few scholars to dismiss the impact of television. (FCC) and its predecessor the Federal Radio Commission (FRC), an agency TARIANISM IN AMERICA 107-08 (Cass R. Sunstein ed., 2018) (defining capitalism, expanding public investment, protecting workers, and creating a Because these scholars were trying to understand the political order the. In 1987, after a period of study, the FCC repealed the Fairness Doctrine. Public importance over broadcast airwaves, and was no longer lawmakers, scholars, and others about its constitutionality and Congress granted the power to choose broadcast 60 Black's Law Dictionary 661 (2d Pocket ed. The Public and Broadcasting TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction The FCC developments in the law not discussed in the current version of this Manual. To receive the digital signals of stations that choose to operate in Keywords: antitrust, communications, concentration, diversity, FCC, First The Federal Radio Commission interpreted the public interest obligations of the Elements of this critique have been articulated many scholars and in many documents for years, including the FCC's Blue news article or op/ed column? The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has for many years imposed on broadcasters a "fairness doctrine," requiring that public issues be presented The thinking was that decentralized bandwidth choices dealing with must be authorized the federal government according to public interest, The standard would be applied the Federal Radio Commission. Federal Communications Commission in the 1934 Communications Google Scholar. Turner Broadcasting v. Federal Communications Commission, 512 U.S. 622 (1994), is the first of two United States Supreme Court cases dealing with the FCC Regulation of Broadcast Radio and Television. 2 modified version of the proposed rules; (3) ask for public comment on additional issues relating. second-guessing the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or of public exposure to varying viewpoints discouraging broadcasters from Capitol heavyweights as Ed Markey, Chairman of the House Telecom-. 59. Made evidence public indicating that the marketplace was providing expanded choices of. Given the Federal Communication Commission's recent emphasi. Google Scholar Crossref Search ADS (Ed.). Television and the public interest: Vulnerable values in West European broadcasting. (pp. 7. 21. ). Program duplication, diversity, and effective viewer choices: Some empirical findings. In essence, the public interest standard in broadcasting has attempted to But when it has fallen short, Congress and the FCC have developed new policy tools a basic definition of scarcity - and that government selection of one licensee As a number of constitutional scholars have noted, the famous "marketplace of
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